1609, 2018

13 Deadly Ways to Skyrocket Lead Generation in LinkedIn

By |September 16, 2018|Categories: Lead Generation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 13 Deadly Ways to Skyrocket Lead Generation in LinkedIn

LinkedIn is undoubtedly the world’s largest professional network, and it is used by 94% of B2B marketers to distribute content, and the professional content is trusted by 7 out of 10 individuals. Follow the below tips for effective LinkedIn lead generation.

1. LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile should be easily findable and a good profile must be All-star, having a professional profile picture, meaningful cover picture, links to work, recommendations from colleagues, appropriate and specific skills, complete details of work experience, a neat and understandable description, etc.       

Profile visits

LinkedIn is kind enough to notify the people who have visited your profile, and this feature is quite helpful. They are the prospects, whom we should nurture and build relationships with. Google Chrome Extensions like LeadZippo can come handy in further stages of lead prospecting.

Company profile

Company pages and also showcase pages (extension of company pages) are helpful in bringing a brand to spotlight.  Apt description, company logo and cover, easy links to website, Follow button, listing employees, and career pages are great options to attract the audience to company page more.

2. Search for connections

Connecting with people, who match the criteria for becoming the customers, is the first step of lead generation. This will not only broaden the network, but also increase the sales at the end of the day.  Advanced Search option helps to filter the audience based on filters like locations, companies, industries and so on. RS Lead Prospector simply allows extracting and saving the leads, and their e-mail Ids, in a single place.

3. LinkedIn forms

LinkedIn LeadGen Forms are very handy in obtaining information, when a professional watches Ad posted in LinkedIn, their profile information is automatically obtained in an in-app form which can be submitted instantly. LinkedIn Campaign manager and the reporting tools around them are really helpful in reducing the costs and also fetch reasonable Return on investment.

4. LinkedIn InMail

Sponsored InMail campaigns allow reaching a prospect’s inbox straight away, which can be used to send rich content, promotions, etc. Also decision makers can be contacted, in a secured manner using this feature. 

5. Content marketing

Content distribution across LinkedIn can help in lead generation process in a long term. Sharing presentation, Infographics, videos, articles, and webinars with target audience resonates the brand’s authority and trust. It also engages audiences, and adds value and LinkedIn marketing with detailed content marketing plan, calendar would drive better performance.

6. LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn allows connecting with its group members, who are in-turn your potential leads.  A business can establish its authority in industry, by sharing its expert insights, answer questions, etc and thereby add value to the group members.

7. LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn has targeting options, budgeting is flexible, and the ads can be created in minutes using LinkedIn AdStudio.  Content magnets like whitepapers, case studies, surveys, etc can be created, promoted as Ads, and then sent to specific well-designed landing […]

3108, 2018

Top 24 Lead Generation Strategies that every B2B Marketer must know

By |August 31, 2018|Categories: Lead Generation|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Top 24 Lead Generation Strategies that every B2B Marketer must know

Marketers and salesmen get a nightmare when this word pops up in meetings; the management gets a sigh of relief only when they hear good numbers, about their pipeline. Yes, it’s the word “Leads”. Finding the people interested in your products or services, and then convincing them to buy, making them as loyal customers is the underlying customer journey that any company would have.

As the proverb goes “A good beginning makes a good ending”, likewise the only way to get sales is to have good lead generation strategy.  It is a critical step, and there is no first-rate or terrible strategy label to any of the strategies, based on the business few strategies and channels work like a magic.

Here are 24 lead generation strategies,

Before that understand the buyer’s journey with content below

 1 LinkedIn to Rescue

Throwing the net, where fishes are really present, make sense. As of March 2018, there are over 467 million members worldwide, and is wiser to extract industry relevant leads in LinkedIn. Also a research by HubSpot has revealed that LinkedIn is 277% more efficient than Facebook and Twitter for lead generation. LinkedIn Advanced Search for people and groups, LinkedIn Company Page, Showcase Pages, Messaging are helpful for the business. Tools may come handy, for LinkedIn lead extraction; have a look on RedScraper’s free trial LinkedIn Extractor. LinkedIn specific advanced strategies and tips are listed here, give a further read.

2 Domain Search

Business E-mails are listed in every website, cold emails with relevant content can be done for those email IDs thereby obtaining leads and nurturing them with E-mail marketing. Redscraper Lead Prospector tool has Domain Search feature packaged, which can scrape websites with advanced filters and offer quality leads.

3 Lead Generation Ads

Google Search and display Advertising, with specific landing page and a form to collect details can help in lead generation. Also the Facebook Lead Ads are trending, with sign-up pre-populated forms to collect leads.

4 E-mail Marketing

Cold Emails has been very effective strategy in B2B arena. Customized mails according to recipient interest and background, will work, also a clear Call to action to website’s landing page should be present. The trickiest part is avoiding E-mail spam and making the customers read E-mails and increase response rates, and here are certain tips.

Designing an E-mail signature is also an important task, but is often forgotten. A simple, logical design with social media, call to action buttons and links to website can be embedded in a commonsensical way in the small space allocated. Tips and tricks can be further read here.

5 Sponsorships and Associations

Sponsorships are considered as Cindrella of marketing, and also considered as fastest growing form of marketing in US, by Susan Friedman. Cause marketing and Sponsorships can be […]

2106, 2017

It’s Our Job To Teach You Lead Generation Tips & Tricks

By |June 21, 2017|Categories: Lead Generation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on It’s Our Job To Teach You Lead Generation Tips & Tricks

If an offer creates new leads, it is a big plus for your business. This article has great advice on bettering your generation techniques. Using this advice, you will be able to grow your business and increase profits with a powerful lead generating strategy.


Generating real leads is more likely to happen if you establish yourself as worthy of trust. Make sure not to bombard your visitors with ads. Instead, make sure your offers are based on facts that prove a product’s value to people. Act with integrity and transparency, and people will likely trust you.


Know the value of new business leads. Some leads simply won’t be what you need for your current campaign. Make sure you qualify the leads that meet your target or you’ll be wasting time and energy. Learning to develop the right type of leads will help you be successful.


Is there anything going on in your local community that is related to your field of business? For instance, if you sell real estate, you could visit an upcoming wedding show. People that just got married need to get homes, so get a table set up and let people know what you’re about! Always keep an eye on your local classified ads to know what’s on your community’s horizon.


Are you using long-tailed keywords? Do not use too many long-tailed keywords though. Keep trying out some, tweak them if needed, and you will find ones that work efficiently for your business.


See if you can find any local leads. Business owners gather together to share leads. For example, a dentist may suggest a masseuse to their patients. While this is going on the client may tell you they have a tooth problem and get the favour returned.


Target your market. Anyone can just buy or build a random list of leads to increase visibility. Your results will be better if your lead gathering is tailored to gather key pieces of information that inform you your product is needed.


Anytime you find yourself needing to stand in a line, take the time to talk to the others around you. It never hurts to be friendly, and it’s just possible someone might need your product or service. Don’t run away from them, continue your sales pitch to feel them out, because they might still be interested in what you have to offer.


If you are blogging in order to increase business, you should ask readers to subscribe. If readers subscribe, they’ll be alerted when you add new content. Seeking subscriptions is a secondary way to generate leads through a solid customer base and is very useful in developing a relationship with your readers. Blogging for a business is an effective way to promote a digital presence for your website and is a useful lead generation tactic.


Also there are many lead extraction softwares available in the market. Choose the right one which fulfils your lead requirement.


Understanding the lead generation portion of your business can make or break your success. No matter what your niche may […]

1005, 2017

Discontinued Product Announcement – Redscraper

By |May 10, 2017|Categories: Press Release / News|Tags: |Comments Off on Discontinued Product Announcement – Redscraper

Thank you for your patronage for the Redscraper product line. In an effort to deliver state-of-the-art and high-performance marketing software products, we have discontinued the products (YPExtractor USA|AUS|CA ) & (Lead Extractor USA|UK|AUS), effective from May 2nd, 2017. The existing customer of these products can able to use the products as it works, but no update, upgrade or support will be done proceeding further. Instead, we had relaunched Directory Scraper Pro & Lead Extractor Pro respectively with advanced and powerful features. Existing customers who purchased those discontinued products after 2nd May 2016 can get renewed free of cost to a newly launched product. Customer who bought before 2nd May 2016 can get renewed with 50% discount.

Please write a mail to sales@redscraper.com if you want to get an upgrade to newly launched products.

If you have any questions or concerns, please write a mail to support@redscraper.com. We will make every effort to accommodate your needs.

Thank you for your understanding. We value your continued support to Redscraper



Redscraper Team



1904, 2017

10 Steps How To Do Effective Email Marketing

By |April 19, 2017|Categories: Email Marketing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 10 Steps How To Do Effective Email Marketing

Is it true that you are making a solid, growing contact database? What about staying in reach with the contacts you at present have? In case you’re not exactly beyond any doubt where your business remains on these two inquiries, then you may require some assistance with email marketing.

In this post, we will help you set up together a compelling email promoting effort to develop your contact database and nurture your current contacts for expanded income.

What is Email Marketing?

Of course, we jump at the chance to characterize the primary term that we will reference all through the article to guarantee that we’re all in agreement. For this post, it’s email marketing.

Email marketing is…

…all about leveraging the speed and convenience of email to communicate important messages, updates, tips and promotions to recipients that have opted into receiving such messages.

Shockingly a considerable measure of spammers have mishandled email marketing. Therefore, people are significantly more hard to reach, not to mention incite a reaction or activity from.

On the positive side, email clients have made a superior showing with regards to of getting and blocking spam and marketers are currently compelled to be a great deal more innovative in their way to deal with get their messages through… .even to willing recipients.

Lets take a look how your business can assemble a successful email marketing effort in 10 basic steps.

Simple Steps to Successful Email Marketing

1. Select an Email Marketing Provider

The best thing we could let you know is get your homework done, try different vendors and run with the one that you click with the most. We’re not going to do that however as we are probably aware you’re likely not set up to invest the time or money expected. In this way, to make things somewhat simpler we’d get a kick out of the chance to prescribe any of the accompanying email providers to bolster your email marketing needs:


2. Clean Up Your Existing Database

On the off chance that you’ve had a website up for a little while, then you’re presumably sitting on a fairly sized database of contacts gained from your website or sales endeavours. Try not to tragically write these contacts off. Rather invest some time to tidy up this database by evacuating expired data and enhancing existing data. Some incredible tools to refresh your contacts and confirm those email addresses are:


3. Build Your Email List

Off course the best option to build email list to have signup forms in your website and generate opt-in emails. But it is always restricted with limited email resource. You can build your own targeted email list with the help of email extractor tools available in the market which will extract emails for your email campaign.


4. Keep Your Contacts Organized

A standout amongst the most regularly neglected components of email marketing is list segmentation. In the event that you neglect to legitimately fragment your email contacts into particular records, then you will unquestionably encounter […]


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