Billions of emails are sent daily, but will those emails really work for my brand?

Will I get a good Return on investment (ROI)?

Does E-mail Marketing still work in 2020?

In short, the answer is YES.


  • you are looking to connect with your potential customers and convert them
  • you are planning to build customer relationships and make them as loyal customers
  • you are planning to increase brand awareness
  • you are aiming to improve your readers base as a blogger

we have got you covered.

You might be a beginner or Pro in E-mail Marketing, but we have started from basics. From this detailed E-mail Marketing Campaign guide, you will learn

What is E-mail Marketing Campaign?
Why businesses or bloggers should run E-mail Marketing Campaigns?
How to build targeted E-mail Marketing List for a Campaign?
How to write E-mails that gets opened (Strategy)?
What are the different types of E-mail Marketing Campaigns?
What tools and templates can I use to do E-mail Marketing Effectively and how to choose them?
How other business are doing it (Examples)?
How do I measure success of my e-mail Marketing Campaign?

What is E-mail Marketing Campaign?

E-mail Marketing Campaign is a series of e-mails sent to a group of customers or potential customers in a specific timeframe, with one distinct purpose. The purpose can be anything from increasing brand awareness, driving sales, increasing customer loyalty, etc. You can meet the purpose of these E-mail Marketing Campaigns by adding value to the customers in some way – it might be providing engaging content, delivering important messages, giving away discounts, etc.

Why businesses or bloggers should do E-mail Marketing Campaigns?

It is the basic thing to do while you want to grow business or personal brand. With e-mails you can easily reach the right audience and maintain long-term relationships in a cost-effective way.

E-mail Marketing is so powerful for several reasons, but here’s top 5 reasons and these are all backed up with various statistics, so believe us

  1. Your site visitors and customers are using e-mails daily, so you can communicate with them and add value. They would love to hear from you. (Source: Statista)
  2. Also, your potential customers are using e-mails daily, so there is a high chance they would open your e-mail and take intended action(Source: Backlinko)
  3. You can make money if you do E-mail Marketing Campaigns right. Oh yes! I am talking about Return on Investment (Source: Salecycle)
  4. You have total control over what you do with E-mail Marketing unlike social media, isn’t that exciting? (Source: McKinsey)
  5. You get to retain existing customers with regular e-mail communication and Newsletters. (Source: Emarsys)

Are you fully convinced with E-mail Marketing now? Don’t miss out on this very special opportunity to grow your business or brand.

How to build targeted E-mail Marketing List for a Campaign?

We discussed what is E-mail Marketing and why should we do it so far, now it’s time to get started. It’s tricky to attract attention of customers as they get several e-mails every day, we should be cautious not to spam them.

The baseline is if you send an e-mail about Architecture to a doctor, he would it not enjoy it, he is going to unsubscribe. Picking the right set of audience – the so called “target audience” is very important while running E-mail Marketing Campaigns.

For this you can leverage many tools, you can also try RedScraper’s RS Lead Prospector to build targeted prospects personal e-mail addresses from social media and search engine or use RedScraper’s RS Business E-mail Finder to find anyone’s official E-mail address. Without any prior experience, you can generate a list within seconds and then focus on other important tasks while running an E-mail Marketing campaign.

After preparing the e-mail lists, pick an E-mail Service provider. There are many available in the market but based on your needs you can pick one. Also, you could use E-mail Marketing Automation tools to run the campaigns smoothly and monitor the results


Check out: The Marketer’s Guide to Build Effective E-mail Marketing Database

How to write E-mails that gets opened (Strategy)?

The first discussion or question you should ask yourself and your team is “what is the purpose of this E-mail Marketing Campaign?”. Once you fix the purpose, plan e-mail schedule, is it going to be weekly, monthly, etc. After this comes the tricky part of writing the Headline, E-mail Copy and designing the E-mail. Usually companies test e-mails before sending an e-mail blast to wider audience. Now you know the steps to run a campaign.

Now how to get creative, here’s few E-mail Marketing strategies

  • Get personal. Imagine writing to one person, but in-reality you are writing to one customer segment with similar interests
  • Have a clear-cut Call-to-action button in the e-mail, this button should make the readers to take an action. For Eg: Shop Now, Watch Now, Learn More, etc.
  • Get creative with Subject Line and E-mail Body, use Emojis, GIFs, Polls -anything which is relevant and adds value to the customers
  • Make your e-mails mobile friendly, as many people read their e-mails from mobile application these days
  • Make your e-mails super simple, readable, at the end of the days its humans who are reading it.

What are the different types of E-mail Marketing Campaigns?

You don’t want to send tons of e-mails without any gain from it, do you? So, we have come up with the frequency used E-mail marketing Campaign types below.

  • Welcome your customers by offering some help or gift
  • Promote your product or services by offering free trials, or giving discounts
  • Sending seasonal e-mails greeting your customers, say Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and so on. Also providing offers during Black Friday, Cyber Monday and so on.
  • Announcement E-mails about new product feature, event or service could grab audience attention
  • You can request testimonials or feedbacks by conducting E-mail surveys or polls
  • You can invite your customers or readers to listen to a webinar, podcast, event or conference
  • You can up-sell and cross-sell products, customers who buy lipstick would more likely buy lip gloss
  • Build relationship with customers or readers by sending them Monthly Newsletters
  • Sending e-mails to inactive customers might make them active again, remind them from time to time that you are present in the market and that you can add value to them
  • E-mail promoting a social media post or video that your brand recently released could gain traction from customers
  • You could send e-mail reminding customers to purchase what they added to cart
  • You could send e-mails after making a sale to make them loyal to your brand

These are just few ideas and types of e-mail marketing campaigns, but what works for one brand might not work for other brand. We would suggest you mix and match the above ideas, tailor it to your brand, add humour, colour, images, GIFs, Videos, Slogans, anything to make your E-mail Marketing Campaign successful.

Check Out: Top 10 tricks that will boost your e-mail open rates

What tools, templates can I use to do E-mail Marketing Effectively and how to choose them?

Let’s start with why you should start using E-mail Marketing tools.

  • You could design responsive e-mails with drag and drop e-mail building tools
  • You could segment customers in a detailed manner, thereby increase open rates of e-mails
  • You could automate repetitive tasks regarding e-mails
  • You could integrate it with your blog or website

Now we hope you are convinced that these E-mail Marketing tools could save your time and money. We suggest a few popular E-mail Marketing tools to get started- Mailchimp, Sender, SendPulse, Omnisend and so on.  They all have both free and paid plans; we leave the choice to you to pick one for your business.

Now that we have discussed about E-mail Marketing tools, you could use templates from websites to send the e-mails as well. Sites like Campaign Monitor, Email Octopus, Cakemail have templates to get you started.

How other business are doing it (Examples)?

Netflix’s Re-Engagement E-mail Campaign

Subject Line: Priya, come back today to more TV programmes & films

Buffer’s Announcement E-mail Campaign

Subject Line: What’s Next for Buffer

Revolut’s Welcome E-mail Campaign

Subject Line: 🎉 Welcome to Revolut

Zomato’s Standard Promotional E-mail Campaign

Subject Line: Early bird wins Zomato Gold 🍫🐥

How do I measure success of my e-mail Marketing Campaign?

So, you have run E-mail Marketing Campaigns, but do you know how effective it is? Yes, you have complete control and you can measure effectiveness, this makes E-mail marketing so powerful and unavoidable.

Here are six important e-mail metrics that you could use to track your E-mail marketing campaign’s effectiveness

  • Delivery Rate: How many e-mails are delivered to the right audience?
  • Open Rate: How many people open your e-mail?
  • Click through Rate: How many people opened the links that you added in the e-mail?
  • Unsubscribe Rate: How many people unsubscribe from your email list after opening an e-mail?
  • Conversions: How many people took the action you intended them to take from that e-mail?
  • Return on Investment: What is the total revenue by total cost?

If you pay attention and track these metrics while running E-mail Marketing campaigns, you could reach your E-mail Marketing goals quickly and efficiently.


There was a lot covered in this article about E-mail Marketing Campaigns, but to run an effective E-mail Marketing Campaign here’s what you should do

  • Build Targeted E-mail Lists using tools like RS Lead Prospector
  • Segment and understand the audience, personalize E-mail Content based on the customer Segment’s interests
  • Pick a type of E-mail Marketing campaign
  • Get creative with E-mail Subject Lines, Copy, Call to Action button and design
  • Split test the E-mails
  • Use tools and templates to design and automate E-mail blasts
  • Track the performance of your E-mail Marketing Campaign

Phew! Here comes an end to this lengthy E-mail Marketing Guide, hope this helps you Beginners to run effective E-mail Marketing Campaigns and maximize your return on investment.