LinkedIn is undoubtedly the world’s largest professional network, and it is used by 94% of B2B marketers to distribute content, and the professional content is trusted by 7 out of 10 individuals. Follow the below tips for effective LinkedIn lead generation.

1. LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile should be easily findable and a good profile must be All-star, having a professional profile picture, meaningful cover picture, links to work, recommendations from colleagues, appropriate and specific skills, complete details of work experience, a neat and understandable description, etc.       

Profile visits

LinkedIn is kind enough to notify the people who have visited your profile, and this feature is quite helpful. They are the prospects, whom we should nurture and build relationships with. Google Chrome Extensions like LeadZippo can come handy in further stages of lead prospecting.

Company profile

Company pages and also showcase pages (extension of company pages) are helpful in bringing a brand to spotlight.  Apt description, company logo and cover, easy links to website, Follow button, listing employees, and career pages are great options to attract the audience to company page more.

2. Search for connections

Connecting with people, who match the criteria for becoming the customers, is the first step of lead generation. This will not only broaden the network, but also increase the sales at the end of the day.  Advanced Search option helps to filter the audience based on filters like locations, companies, industries and so on. RS Lead Prospector simply allows extracting and saving the leads, and their e-mail Ids, in a single place.

3. LinkedIn forms

LinkedIn LeadGen Forms are very handy in obtaining information, when a professional watches Ad posted in LinkedIn, their profile information is automatically obtained in an in-app form which can be submitted instantly. LinkedIn Campaign manager and the reporting tools around them are really helpful in reducing the costs and also fetch reasonable Return on investment.

4. LinkedIn InMail

Sponsored InMail campaigns allow reaching a prospect’s inbox straight away, which can be used to send rich content, promotions, etc. Also decision makers can be contacted, in a secured manner using this feature. 

5. Content marketing

Content distribution across LinkedIn can help in lead generation process in a long term. Sharing presentation, Infographics, videos, articles, and webinars with target audience resonates the brand’s authority and trust. It also engages audiences, and adds value and LinkedIn marketing with detailed content marketing plan, calendar would drive better performance.

6. LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn allows connecting with its group members, who are in-turn your potential leads.  A business can establish its authority in industry, by sharing its expert insights, answer questions, etc and thereby add value to the group members.

7. LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn has targeting options, budgeting is flexible, and the ads can be created in minutes using LinkedIn AdStudio.  Content magnets like whitepapers, case studies, surveys, etc can be created, promoted as Ads, and then sent to specific well-designed landing pages.

8. Employee profiles

Employees can become the brand ambassadors for your company. Sharing views about the company, reviews and also sharing the contents the company generated can be really helpful for the company to accelerate the lead generation process. Nielsen consumer study reveals that 33% of buyers trust brands, whilst 90% of customers trust recommendations from people in their network.

9. Post Updates, Ask Questions

Daily updates are useful in nourishing the company brand image, lead generation and networking process. Sharing a link or video that is relevant to target audience, and mentioning the customers, asking questions can all add value and establish brand authority, share expertise. LinkedIn pulse publishing platform can be used to post better quality and long-posts.

10. Advantage of plugins

Amalgamating Plug-ins with LinkedIn, can double the speed of lead generation process. Plug-ins like LinkedIn Connection Revealer, LinMailPro, Headlinr can be beneficial to marketers.

11. Welcome message

Right conversations with prospects, may lead to business. Personalized welcome message with some value like links to company pages, knowledge base, etc can be helpful and refer these tips by Brynne Tilman.

12. Get referrals

LinkedIn can be used as a platform to get good referrals, testimonials and endorsements. The existing customers can be connected with the business, and a clear message asking for referral will do the magic and Angela lists the steps here.

13. Landing Page

LinkedIn Landing Pages comes handy to online B2B marketers. A good landing page will have one call-to-action and a headline matching the same, encourages social sharing,  simple and not demanding more information from the audience and include detailed product information if required.



LinkedIn is one of the best lead prospecting platform for B2B lead generation. If you know how to work it, you can end up with some quality prospects become your paying customers. But as fruitful as lead generation can be, it is also a time-consuming task. If you don’t use the right strategies to target the right people, it is easy to spend months and see no result. I’ve pinpointed some of the tips and ways you can go through this lead-generation process quickly. Use the strategies, and you’ll see more leads of a higher quality, without a massive time investment.


If you want to build highly targeted lead list by yourself without much efforts, try RS Lead Prospector, which will fetch targeted leads from LinkedIn within a minutes.