1310, 2020

5 Classic Outbound Lead Generation Channels You Should Focus on

By |October 13, 2020|Categories: Lead Generation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 5 Classic Outbound Lead Generation Channels You Should Focus on

Few things never go out of fashion – Lead Generation is one such activity in Marketing which cannot be avoided.

You will be out of business when you don’t have Quality Leads in hand.

Inbound Lead Generation is gaining increasing popularity and has proven to be a great way to generate leads.

But if you are starting as a new business, leads don’t come knocking on the door (at least on Day 1). It takes time to attract prospects and convert them.

So what else can be done ? You could use Outbound Lead Generation Techniques.

What is Outbound Lead Generation ?

Outbound Lead Generation is a process where you would reach out to ideal prospects using various channels and try to market your products (or) make a sale.

It is contrary to Inbound Lead Generation where you create relevant content, optimize for Search Engines and wait for customers to take action.

Why Should Businesses do Outbound Lead Generation ?

  • Inbound Marketing takes time to produce results, you might go out of business by then. With Outbound Lead Generation, you could reach faster to your customers, close sales fast and beat your competitors.
  • In outbound Lead Generation, even if your leads don’t convert your Brand name is out there. It drives Brand Awareness.
  • You could get creative and test new Markets for your business with Outbound Lead Generation. After reaching out to one Customer segment, you know what works and what does not. Therefore you could tailor your Marketing campaigns and win more leads.

Outbound Lead Generation Channels

I have lined up five classic Outbound Lead Generation Channels for you

1. Cold Outreach – Emails, Calls  and Messages

You could find the ideal customer segment for your product and collect email addresses, phone numbers from web directories, social media, etc. Alternatively you could use tools like RedScraper Lead Prospector and Phone Prospector which collects the targeted email address & phone numbers for you.

After this you could reach out to these cold leads with a compelling and personalized message and convert them as your customer eventually.

You need to have an eye to not intrude into the ideal prospect’s phone or inbox. You need to research the best times to call, email to your leads. You could also win their attention by providing offers, offering valuable resources like E-books, Podcasts, etc.

“Lead generation from LinkedIn was successful for 65% of B2B companies”

You could also send a cold message to your leads via Social media like LinkedIn, especially if you are in B2B.

Cold outreach is an adventure itself, if executed correctly you could get good email and message open rates and if not you will end up in spam.

Read our Cold Messaging tips here.

2. Paid Advertising – Search, Display, Video, Mobile and Social Media

You could choose an Ad Network like Google, Facebook, Taboola and run Ads with a specific Marketing objective in mind

You could generate leads, bring awareness about a product, generate Traffic to your website and provide some offers in a Landing Page.

You could place […]

907, 2020

5 Rock-solid Cold Messaging Tips to convert your leads into customers in 2020

By |July 9, 2020|Categories: Lead Generation, Mobile Marketing|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 5 Rock-solid Cold Messaging Tips to convert your leads into customers in 2020

I think you will agree with me when I say “There is nothing challenging for a sales professional to do than nailing that initial conversation with your lead”

I do understand, it’s a massive challenge to pitch a product via a call or message to a person you don’t know before.

You are not alone; every sales team hates the dreaded Cold Messaging or Cold Calling Process.

The popular option out there – “Cold Calling & Cold messaging is Dead”

Or is it?

Maybe that’s why you should stand out from the crowd and leverage cold outreach!

In this article, I am going to give you 5 actionable tips and techniques to convert your leads into customers.

Tip1Research thoroughly before picking up the phone

Reaching the right decision maker is important when it comes to cold outreach. Incorrect data is the major issue, when it comes to cold outreach. Sales teams spend hours calling or messaging people who are irrelevant.

What can be the solution to this problem?

Using technology to find accurate phone numbers from websites or social media can be helpful. Fortunately, RedScraper has a tool called RS Phone Prospector with which you can find direct phone numbers. In no time you can reach out your leads via SMS, Whatsapp or call.

You don’t believe this could work, then use our 7-day free trial.

I am sure this would boost your sales team’s performance like never before.

Tip2 – Know exactly what message you are sending

No two people are same.

After doing research you would be able to understand the characteristics of the person by scrolling through their social media profile or website. RedScraper also gives the source link from which the phone number was identified, make sure you give a quick look.

If you are sending a cold message, make first line of your message catchy, because that’s what is going to appear in your lead’s notification. It’s like having a killer subject for e-mail and having a catchy title for your blog. The leads decide to open the message or not, with this one line.

Various sales teams have different strategies, but in 2020 I would recommend building relationship with the leads first followed by sales pitch.

A few effective ways to build relationship and credibility in your first message are

  • Referrals Work well; add a mutual connection’s name in your cold message
  • If you share a common interest with a prospect, ensure that gets added in the cold message
  • Complement the prospect about their work or achievement
  • Share a customer success story that you think will resonate with your prospect

If you are doing a cold call, have a script in hand but go with the flow. You can find some interesting scripts in Hubspot.

Also have an outline prepared for the call and write down the questions you want to ask to the prospect.

Tip3 – Know when to message the Prospect

No one is going to notice your text or answer your call when […]

2006, 2020

The Beginner’s Guide: How to create successful E-mail Marketing Campaigns in 2020

By |June 20, 2020|Categories: Email Marketing|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Beginner’s Guide: How to create successful E-mail Marketing Campaigns in 2020

Billions of emails are sent daily, but will those emails really work for my brand?

Will I get a good Return on investment (ROI)?

Does E-mail Marketing still work in 2020?

In short, the answer is YES.


  • you are looking to connect with your potential customers and convert them
  • you are planning to build customer relationships and make them as loyal customers
  • you are planning to increase brand awareness
  • you are aiming to improve your readers base as a blogger

we have got you covered.

You might be a beginner or Pro in E-mail Marketing, but we have started from basics. From this detailed E-mail Marketing Campaign guide, you will learn

What is E-mail Marketing Campaign?
Why businesses or bloggers should run E-mail Marketing Campaigns?
How to build targeted E-mail Marketing List for a Campaign?
How to write E-mails that gets opened (Strategy)?
What are the different types of E-mail Marketing Campaigns?
What tools and templates can I use to do E-mail Marketing Effectively and how to choose them?
How other business are doing it (Examples)?
How do I measure success of my e-mail Marketing Campaign?

What is E-mail Marketing Campaign?

E-mail Marketing Campaign is a series of e-mails sent to a group of customers or potential customers in a specific timeframe, with one distinct purpose. The purpose can be anything from increasing brand awareness, driving sales, increasing customer loyalty, etc. You can meet the purpose of these E-mail Marketing Campaigns by adding value to the customers in some way – it might be providing engaging content, delivering important messages, giving away discounts, etc.

Why businesses or bloggers should do E-mail Marketing Campaigns?

It is the basic thing to do while you want to grow business or personal brand. With e-mails you can easily reach the right audience and maintain long-term relationships in a cost-effective way.

E-mail Marketing is so powerful for several reasons, but here’s top 5 reasons and these are all backed up with various statistics, so believe us

  1. Your site visitors and customers are using e-mails daily, so you can communicate with them and add value. They would love to hear from you. (Source: Statista)
  2. Also, your potential customers are using e-mails daily, so there is a high chance they would open your e-mail and take intended action(Source: Backlinko)
  3. You can make money if you do E-mail Marketing Campaigns right. Oh yes! I am talking about Return on Investment (Source: Salecycle)
  4. You have total control over what you do with E-mail Marketing unlike social media, isn’t that exciting? (Source: McKinsey)
  5. You get to retain existing customers with regular e-mail communication and Newsletters. (Source: Emarsys)

Are you fully convinced with E-mail Marketing now? Don’t miss out on this very special opportunity to grow your business or brand.

How to build targeted E-mail Marketing List for a Campaign?

We discussed what is E-mail Marketing and why should we […]

606, 2020

The Marketer’s Guide to Build Effective E-mail Marketing Database

By |June 6, 2020|Categories: Email Marketing, Lead Generation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Marketer’s Guide to Build Effective E-mail Marketing Database

Writing e-mails that customers don’t open is every Marketer’s nightmare. We know for a fact that e-mail marketing can’t be avoided as 99% of customers check e-mail at least once a day and the conversion rates are higher than any other channels like social media, search, direct traffic, etc.

But if we play cards right, E-mail marketing can be used to acquire new customers.

So why can’t we start by asking these three simple questions to build a successful E-mail Campaign

  • Who are you sending your emails to?
  • What message are you delivering?
  • What action do you want them to take?

In Marketing language,

  • Who are your Leads? What are the e-mails addresses are you going to send these e-mails to?
  • What E-mail Content are you going to write?
  • What Call-to-Action you want Lead to take for them to convert?

In this article we at Red Scraper are here to answer in detail about building an effective E-mail Marketing Database. Stick to the end for some great e-mail marketing bonus tricks.

#1 Do the Guess Work

Many companies usually have a pattern in their email addresses. All you have to do is go to their website, find the domain name and do the guess work. Make a quick spreadsheet and try different combinations with their first and last name. Before hitting the E-mail Send button, you can verify if the e-mail address is valid using tools like E-mail Checker.

This guess work may be tiring if you want to do a bulk search, here’s why.

  • Companies might have multiple e-mail domains
  • Nicknames can be used for e-mails
  • There might be multiple employees with same name
  • Employees might middle names included in the e-mail address
  • Few companies use subdomains
  • Few affiliates use parent company domain for e-mails and so on.

If we keep sending e-mails to incorrect e-mail addresses, the bounce rate will be so high and by the time you realize your domain reputation is hurt badly. This whole experience can be scary as your e-mails can go to spam folder because of sender reputation, or the worst – your domain can be blacklisted.

#2 Do the Manual Work

If you want to find specific e-mail addresses, we suggest a few compelling ways to do it

  • Just Google their names, you might get lucky
  • Checkout their Social media profiles
  • Export your LinkedIn connections and get their e-mails
  • Check their company website, blogs, portfolios for e-mail addresses
  • Ask Mutual friends to pass on the contact, if you have any
  • Twitter has advanced search capabilities, why not use it?

#3 Do a Quick Search leveraging E-mail Scraper

The final way is to leverage E-mail Extracting tools online. A day in marketer’s life can be quite demanding, a tool that bulk searches and provide quality e-mail would be a blessing in disguise.

We know there are multiple tools in the market that can extract e-mails, but we will start with RedScraper’s story and our own tool – Lead Prospector.

RedScraper’s founder Prakash set on a mission a decade […]

712, 2018

Top 10 Tricks that will boost your email open rates

By |December 7, 2018|Categories: Email Marketing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Top 10 Tricks that will boost your email open rates

Finding new ways to market your product or services is always not the path towards light. With the advent of Search marketing, social media marketing the ways to reach out to our target audience is widespread, but E-mail marketing is still the bread and butter of marketers. Sometimes we all stumble upon, not knowing how to find the success of E-mail campaigns we run. There are various Key performance indicators or measures that are being used for this purpose, which includes “Email open Rates”.


What is Email Open Rate and why is it important?

There are different ways to define E-mail open rates, but in simple words the number of people who opened our marketing E-mail to study the content or take an action is called E-mail open rate. To talk math Open rate = Emails opened / emails sent – bounces.

Marketing tools, generally give this count, by putting few lines of code in the e-mail that is triggered to target audience. These tools, not all the time, give an exact count of people who have opened e-mails due to various reasons, like the customer disabling HTML in their mail client.

It’s highly important; because it is the first action that customer needs to take. Customer can’t read content, take an action, or Click the links without opening it.


How to increase Email Open Rates?

Average global E-mail open rate is 24.82%, to achieve this or to increase the E-mail open rates for your company, you can use one or few of the tips listed below.

Win Win Situation” – Keep your list fresh and relevant:

We open and study e-mails that are only relevant to us or if it falls under the topic of interest that we have in general. Targeting specific people with specific interests in specific location will be one of the big steps that every firm takes towards building e-mail lists and ultimately increasing their e-mail open rates. In E-mail marketing, always quality is important than quantity. Tools like RedScraper can help to build reliable e-mail lists.

Top of the Mailbox” – Find the right time to send E-mail:

All of us do study e-mails top of bottom, so it’s important to sit on top of mailbox, which in-turn depends on E-mail sending times. The prescribed timings would be 11am, 2pm and after 6pm and the best day to send emails are Tuesday and Friday.

Bribe to Opt-in” – Build E-mail Subscribers list by giving Rewards

Inbound E-mail list is more meaningful, relevant for the business, and rewards to opt-in are the contemporary lead generation magnets. Giving away free E-books, templates, webinars, or any other content in return to subscribing to e-mail lists can be a great way to grow E-mail lists. […]


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